Shining Light into Darkness
At the turn of the “great wheel of the year,” we celebrate the coming of light. We gather, bathed in candlelight, for Winter Solstice, Christmas, Hannukha, Kwanza, Candelmas to listen to stories rich with images of light.
Cheer for the Holidays Programs include a mix of:
Personal/True Stories
- The Bells Rang – Midnight Mass at St. Mary’s Village Church
- Flash Mob – Scroogy Margaret faces Christmas
Original Story
- Essie’s Christmas (original story by Janice Del Negro)
Traditional Folktales/Legends
- St. Brigid of Kildare
- The Perfect Christmas Tree
- St. Francis and the Nativity Scene
- The Legend of the Poinsettia
- A Baker’s Dozen
- Peer Gynt and the Trolls
- Legend of Thunder Oak
- The Christmas Fairy of Strasburg
Midwinter Programs
Can include personal stories and folktales
Personal and True Stories
- Abbondanza! – a surprise birthday party
- BEADS – honoring generations of women
- Bring It ON! – gusto for the second half of life
- Holden Village – relationships are wild – hang it there
- Tag! You’re it! - friendly family competition
- Meeting Willa – oh, please don’t let my new daughter-in-law think I’m old
- Bidding War – you can’t believe what I bought in a life auction
- Rio Caliente – emotional healing comes in unexpected/surprising ways
- Sand Lot – a child teaches peace
- Cookie – husband knows best
- Playing Communion – mother’s wisdom
- Double Boo – tables turned on sisters
- One Too Many Margaritas – why I never order more than two drinks
- One Pillow at a Time – my mother-in-law’s ingenuity
- PANTS – women’ history
- Route 66 – cross county road trip charts new life directions
Traditional Folktales
- The Tiger’s Whisker – compassion and patience
- Like Meat Loves Salt – inner goodness
- The Peddler’s Dream – listening to dreams
- The Dancing Man – wisdom of age
- Ming Lo Moves the Mountain – wisdom
- Just Enough - inner goodness
- Portrait of Peace – wisdom
- The Old Man Who Lost His Wen - inner goodness
- The Edge of the World - gratefulness
- When The Horse Runs Off – wisdom
- The Monk’s Heavy Load – releasing judgment and condemnation
- The Hedley Kow – wisdom of age The Legend of the Bells (as told by Jack Shea) - stillness
- How Spiritual Practice Work and don’t Work (as told by Jack Shea) – faith
- Patricia the Penny Planter (as told by Jack Shea) – faith
- The Golden Pitcher - wisdom of age
- The Stolen Mother Moon – women
Full Presentation Roster and Videos
For all performances and videos see All Performances page and Videos page.
Margaret’s Vision
Stories not only entertain, they also have the power to touch the heart, spark imagination, inspire hope, and embolden the spirit.
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For more information about programs and bookings contact margaret[at] 708-465-6305
“Margaret mines her life stories for their hard won wisdom with a light touch and twinkle in her eye.” – Megan Wells, Circle of Excellence Award Winner, National Storytelling Network